, I saw a Cartier Tank Française and thought, "Yup." And I was willing to wait. While I waited, I got married, stayed married and co-produced three adorable sons, never once complaining about not receiving jewelry, because I had a plan. Just before our tenth anniversary, I announced I had done the math and it was time for the Tank. Now that I think about it, such diabolical selfishness is probably one reason the other Tank, the mad toddler, came my way. All's well that ends well, n'est-ce pas? Though he tries my patience, 99.9% of humans would agree he is beyond adorable. And I really love the watch*.
There was something else I wanted, besides a baby blue Jaguar. Big hair. And I knew how to get it. After careful research, I determined the most efficient route to big hair - big curlers on wet hair under a hood dryer. My poor ten-year-old self felt very sad, as I believed such things were only available in salons. Even a ten-year-old knows you have to be pretty rich to afford a professional set twice a week, so I collected good grades in hopes of going to a good college so I could get a great job and afford to have my hair set twice a week. I don't really like hard work, but I was willing to do what had to be done. Over the years, I experimented, with varying results.
- Pink foam curlers worn overnight on wet hair didn't work for long hair, which would still be wet in the morning. Also, they ripped out half my hair.
- Hard plastic curlers were too hard to sleep in. Ouch.
- Ditto velcro and wire curlers.
- They worked a little better under my mother's vintage bonnet dryer, but that took hours and there was a pretty serious risk of electrocution. Also, it burned my ears and scalp pretty bad.
- Blow-drying by hand with a big round brush. Took too long, hair got tangled and flyaway pieces inadvertently dried frizzy.
- Blow-drying by hand followed by extensive use of a curling iron was a decent option, but very time-consuming. Also, I needed one or two more arms to do it well.
- Blow-drying by hand followed by hot rollers works okay, but the style doesn't hold, no matter how many products I use.
Bonus: I can't hear a thing under the dryer. If two kids are fighting and no parents hear it, did they still have a fight? I think not!
See how happy I am
And that set, pumped full of Elnett bien sûr, lasted for several days. All for the low, low price of $44.99. And free shipping. Can you hear the music swelling in the background?
Namasté, y'all!
P.S. Please see important addenda to this entry here. Merci.
* In my defense, I only ever wanted the stainless steel version. In fact, my dear husband asked if I wanted to hold out for the Tank with diamonds and I didn't. Because that would look silly in the day time and wearing a watch at night makes you look uptight. I don't wear a watch at night, because I like to party.
** Oh yeah. When Grandma was little there was no internet. And my mama wasn't the type to take me to beauty stores.
okay. i love this post! i also love that you bought that dryer and i am secretly envious! i did the pink sponge rollers and even have pics of me holding a flower with them in my hair from my childhood. so funny. and the vintage bonnet thing too. love it. your hair looks fab. xoxo
i want a baby blue jag too. the ones that look "smooshed".
now the question is: what sort of rollers did you use? the really big velcro ones?
I have to ask... did the baby blue Jag come from Nancy Drew? Yes, I was obsessed with her as a kid.
I didn't know they still made portable hood dryers! My mother has always been oddly obsessed about my hair, and there is a picture somewhere of me around the age of 4 sitting under one of those things on a pile of pillows with a book in my lap. She made me do it every week!
Happy New Year!
I love, love, love the hair! I am so jealous. That is the exact look I spent all of the '90s trying to perm into my stick straight hair with no luck. It was a bad hair decade in retrospect.
Maybe I need a hood dyer too.
Priddy! And that's *after* partying??? You hold up well. ;o)
Jag-u-waaaas are my all-time favorite too!
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